Tuesday, January 31, 2012

Monday, January 30, 2012

January 30, 2012

I wish Chuck and Blair would be together!!!!!!  xoxo...Gossip Girl

Saturday, January 28, 2012

Monday, January 23, 2012

Sunday, January 22, 2012

January 22, 2012

Saw this random tree trunk while hiking up Griffith today - thought it looked neat.

January 21, 2012

Went to Pt. Dume today (one of my favorite places out here) and couldn't find a spot up top. Had to park on a random street and walk over, but passed by this entrance to a house on the way...

Thursday, January 19, 2012

January 19, 2012

Went to Rock'N Sushi tonight for dinner (yum) and as we were paying for parking in the Target parking lot, the machine decided to eat Trom's credit card - literally.  You could hear it trying to "read" the card, so we were cracking up and took a picture while she's pushing the "assistance" button and talking to the guard.  Then once he came to help, a guy walks by and tries to pay while the machine's door is wide open and we're clearly trying to remove her card from the machine - made my day.  People are cray cray!

Wednesday, January 18, 2012

January 18, 2012

Received this from the Humane Society requesting a donation - it was too cute and now I feel guilty and have to donate to them...

January 17, 2012

Today was a "fro yo" kind of day...

Monday, January 16, 2012

January 16, 2012

Tonight we went to a Ground Zero show at The House of Blues on Sunset. I saw this on the wall when I walked in.

January 15, 2012

Today we did the tour of Hollywood - went to Giffith Park to take pictures of the Observatory and Hollywood sign, then to Beachwood Ave (best view of the sign from the street), then hit up Hollywood Blvd to see the stars and Kodak Theater.  Searched for my Twilight peeps and found them! :)

January 14, 2012

Took my friend who is visiting this weekend to Malibu and Santa Monica today.  Started off with brunch at Joan's on 3rd, headed up to Malibu with a nice little ride on the PCH, walked up to the top of Point Dume to take pics and saw a couple get engaged on the beach (so cute), then headed to Santa Monica to walk around the promenade and saw the sunset.  I'd still say the sunset in Key West was my fave, but this one was beautiful - took this while on the Santa Monica pier.  Reminds me of a scene from a movie, but can't put my finger on it...

January 13, 2012

Went to Wood and Vine for dinner tonight in Hollywood with a friend from work.  It was mostly small shared plates and we had a cheese plate, potato gnocchi, the above amazingggg chicken and waffles (reminded me of Roscoe's Chicken and Waffles ha) and botterscotch pudding w/salted caramel ice cream - so good!  The waiter was hilarious as well and was so nice being able to chat/catch up outside of work.  Nice little Friday night :)

Thursday, January 12, 2012

January 12, 2012

We had our monthly department meeting at work today and learned about the FISH model which is based off of the Pike Place Market in Seattle.  We watched a video on YouTube and the fish that kept popping up towards the end all looked like Goldfish.  While in Pavillions I saw this Goldfish display and started cracking up, so of course I had to take a picture :)

Wednesday, January 11, 2012

January 11, 2012

Tonight D and I went to SUR Lounge on Roberston Blvd, which is owned by Lisa Vanderpump of RHOBH.  I ordered a "Pink Lady" drink, D of course chose the champagne, and we ordered a few appetizers.  The restaurant's ambience along with the music was awesome.  I especially enjoyed the pink and purple lights hanging on the trees outside.  As we were getting ready to leave a limo pulled up, and I thought maybe it was a celeb (to have my celeb sighting there would've been cool), but instead it was a bunch of girls in sparkly dresses coming from the People's Choice Awards, which I walked right by leaving work today.  Oh well, maybe next time!

Tuesday, January 10, 2012

January 10, 2012

Today was one of those "hungry days" where all I wanted to do was eat. Came home and D was hungry as well, so she decided to pull out the Daddy Cakes pancake mix she received from Chef. All you have to do is add water and boom! you have pancakes. It was lovely eating them and catching up.

Monday, January 9, 2012

January 9, 2012

This morning I found out that my grandpa passed away last night in his sleep.  He was in a lot of pain so I'm glad he's not suffering anymore and in a better place.  I know this is part of life, but it just stinks.  I came home to flowers from my roomie "because she wanted to make me smile" and it did just that :)

January 8, 2012

Yes, I am one day behind, but passed out with my laptop on my lap and was too tired to post last night lol.  Yesterday I went to Redondo Beach to catch up with a friend who lives down there.  It was beautiful weather, and I loved just sitting in the sand staring at the ocean.  As we were mid-conversation, some guy just comes over and plops down between us.  At first I thought she knew him, but once she started backing away I realized she had no idea who he was and it was really awkward because he wouldn't leave.  We wound up having to move down the beach, and we watched him finally get up and drunkenly walk over to other people laying by the beach.  This was around 3 pm on a Sunday, mind you.  So random, but makes for a good story!

Sunday, January 8, 2012

January 7, 2012

Beautiful day for a hike, so I decided to go to Griffith Park and hit the trails!  I was out of breath by the time I reached the top, but the view of LA was breath taking.  So grateful that I'm able to just get up and go in the morning, whether it's to work (even when I don't want to go) or to climb to the top of a "hill."  :)

Saturday, January 7, 2012

January 6, 2012

Friday = favorite day of the week anddd whatever type of Starbucks drink I want day!  Christmas season is officially over, especially now that Starbucks has run out of the seasonal red cups and is back to the traditional ones...Christina taught me how to use Instagram today, so I tried to make this a "vintage" looking picture lol

January 5, 2012

We've had John hanging out in the office for quite a few months now, but thought it was fitting to take a picture with the matching "Happy New Year" sign hanging above his head to start the new year off with a bang!  Now lets so how long those candy canes sit next to him on the desk...

January 4, 2012

Sad day - finished the last of my Kona Classic coffee from Hawaii :(  but decided to take a picture before throwing it out to hopefully order more soon orrrrrr maybe venture back to the islands even sooner...?  :)

January 3, 2012


Soooooooo while at work today, Tiff cut her foot and this was her very creative and very funny (still laughing looking at this picture) way of making her own bandaid - duck tape & tissues.  Gotta hand it to her!

January 2, 2012

Taken while flying back to LA from NY (hence the plane's wing in the picture).  Beautiful view of the Grand Canyon and while flying over it felt like it went on forever...

January 1, 2012

While sitting at our dining room table at home, I decided to take a picture of my favorite snow globe.  We've had this for years - it's so pretty, plays Silent Night when you wind it up and it always puts me in the Christmas spirit :)

Friday, January 6, 2012

It all began...

At work today, a lovely friend mentioned a photo album she saw at Urban Outfitters entitled "A Photo A Day."  We decided to set up a challenge:  to post at least one photo a day for all of 2012.  I'm also going to purchase the album, and at the end of the year I am looking forward to reflecting on everything that has happened - so bring on 2012!  :)