Monday, January 9, 2012

January 8, 2012

Yes, I am one day behind, but passed out with my laptop on my lap and was too tired to post last night lol.  Yesterday I went to Redondo Beach to catch up with a friend who lives down there.  It was beautiful weather, and I loved just sitting in the sand staring at the ocean.  As we were mid-conversation, some guy just comes over and plops down between us.  At first I thought she knew him, but once she started backing away I realized she had no idea who he was and it was really awkward because he wouldn't leave.  We wound up having to move down the beach, and we watched him finally get up and drunkenly walk over to other people laying by the beach.  This was around 3 pm on a Sunday, mind you.  So random, but makes for a good story!

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